Hemlet in the road motorcycle accident November 17, 2020

You Can Still Sustain Head Trauma with a Motorcycle Helmet

Motorcycle helmets help save lives and prevent head traumas, but they can’t offer complete protection from these often life-altering injuries. While wearing a helmet is always advised – every time you ride – you remain vulnerable to serious head injuries. 


Motorcycle helmets are designed to protect your head in the event of an accident, and they definitely protect your head and face from taking the brunt of the blow. You are always well advised to wear a well-fitting motorcycle helmet that meets all the federal safety standards every single time you ride, but it’s important to note that a helmet is not a guarantee against head trauma. The impact of motorcycle accidents is simply too great for a helmet to offer complete protection. If another motorist’s negligence leaves you injured in a motorcycle accident, it’s time to consult with an experienced Las Vegas motorcycle accident attorney.

The Statistics

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shares that the most effective way to reduce the number of fatal motorcycle accidents on our roads is by implementing a universal helmet law, which Nevada has on the books. All motorcyclists and their passengers are required to wear helmets in the State of Nevada. All of the following statistics apply to helmet wearing:


  • In 2016, it was estimated that helmets saved more than 1,800 lives.
  • If every motorcyclist had worn a helmet in 2016, it would have saved another 802 lives.
  • If all motorcyclists wore helmets, it would save more than $1 billion each year.
  • Motorcyclists who wear helmets reduce the risk of dying in an accident by 37 percent.
  • Motorcyclists who wear helmets reduce the risk of sustaining a head injury in an accident by 69 percent. In other words, while a helmet can significantly reduce the risk that you will sustain a head injury, it by no means eliminates that risk.


Wearing a helmet has much to recommend it, and while it is both recommended and encouraged, it is important to recognize that you are still quite vulnerable to head trauma when you are on your bike.

Head Injuries

Head and brain injuries are some of the most serious injuries you can sustain, and they are just as unpredictable as they are dangerous. Head injuries often lead to overarching health concerns that are also long-lasting. The damages associated with head injuries tend to be immense and can include:


    • Extensive Medical Costs – These can extend from initial care and treatment all the way through to rehabilitation, home health care, and beyond.
  • Lost Wages – A head injury can leave you off the job for an extended period (if you’re able to return at all).
  • Pain and Suffering – The physical pain and suffering associated with head trauma can be extreme, but the emotional pain and suffering can be even more debilitating.


An Experienced Las Vegas Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Can Help

The dedicated Las Vegas motorcycle accident lawyers at Breeden Malpractice & Injury Law are committed to building your strongest claim in defense of your rights and in pursuit of the compensation to which you are entitled. We’re here to help, so please don’t hesitate to contact or call us at (702) 819-7770 to schedule a free consultation today.


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