Traffic accidents due to traffic violations occur hundreds of thousands of times each year nationwide. If you’ve been injured in a traffic accident, you can seek compensation to cover your losses with help from a Las Vegas car accident lawyer.
Crashes and other traffic accidents take a significant toll on drivers and families. Estimates from a recent report by the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) indicate that injuries and death from traffic violations still count as among the country’s most serious public health issues. In fact, motor vehicle injuries account for about 94% of transportation fatalities and 90% of non-fatal transport injuries. In this light, here’s what you should know about the most common traffic violations that cause accidents so you can hopefully avoid becoming a traffic accident statistic.
Drivers can lose their focus when driving due to various circumstances. However, the result of inattention can lead to crashes, injuries, and even death. In almost all cases, one or both of these factors cause driver inattention that results in accidents:
Speeding greatly increases the risk of traffic accidents that lead to injuries or death. Drivers in speeding vehicles have less time to properly react to a potential road hazard. The speeding vehicle also requires more distance to effectively stop and avoid an accident. Additionally, speeding makes a vehicle more vulnerable to loss of control in hazardous weather conditions such as heavy rain, slick ice, or heavy snowfall.
Besides being illegal, consuming excessive amounts of alcohol before driving is also immensely dangerous. Alcohol impairment begins at your first sip and increases as you continue drinking. The same applies to taking drugs before operating a motor vehicle, whether illegal or legal, prescription or OTC. Drivers who don’t know exactly how a drug could impact their driving skills risk causing devastating accidents.
Injured in a traffic accident? You should know that injured victims of accidents due to traffic violations have the right to pursue compensation for their losses. You also deserve compassionate and caring legal representation to help ensure the best possible results for your case. Schedule your free consultation here at Breeden Malpractice & Injury Law with our Las Vegas car accident lawyer by using our contact form or calling us at (702) 744-9427.
7432 W. Sahara Ave., Suite 101, Las Vegas, NV 89117